Drawing People Drawing is a short classroom experiment designed to be run in approximately one hour. It brings students in touch with drawing as a medium for ethnography, and with Pubpub as a tool to circulate field notes and edit them collaboratively.
Begin by creating a Pub using the Create Pub button in the top-right corner. Pubs give you the opportunity to edit your documents in real-time with others, and are private until you Publish them.
Then add your drawing by clicking on the “media” button. Choose the dimension you like. Add a short caption.
Pubs are the main type of document to use for your work. Pubs allow you to write with collaborators in real-time and invite others to leave feedback in the form of discussion threads and inline annotations (view, create, and filter your Pubs from the Community Overview Dashboard).
After you are done uploading your drawing, draft a short under the picture, “unpacking” your note into text. Then go a bit further: what more is in this drawing, beyond the figurative level? How does this drawing tune in with your anthropological attention of the present moment?
Send the link to your draft using the “share” function to people you have drawn, asking them to comment briefly on your text. Keep things positive.
You can also “add Member” to invite other people to peer over your draft and suggest edits (collaboration is always good!)
Click on “publish” to send the instructors a notification. Confirm with a thumb up to them that it is ready to go. Also, don’t think too much.
A few more things on what you can do with a Pubpub Community:
Your Community is the workspace where you invite collaborators, design your pages, and write, edit and publish your work. Communities are designed to be flexible, and can host anything from a book or conference to an ongoing journal, blog, collection of books, and much more.
You can customize your Community Settings with your own colors, images, navigation bar, footer, etc. (Settings tab).
You can add additional Members to your entire Community, or to a single Collection or Pub, and give them permissions ranging from read-only to total control (Members tab).